Chabad of BPC offers many Community and Social Services.

We are here for you and your family at ALL times.

Hospital Visitation:  At Chabad of Battery Park City, we realize how frightening, overwhelming or simply lonesome being in the hospital can be, and that’s why we put such emphasis on visiting people in the hospital and bringing them a gift package with goodies. Our volunteers have visited numerous hospitals and senior homes bringing joy to many patients.

With the friendship we have established with Beth Israel (Children's) Hospital through our annual "Chanukah Toy Drive", we have brought so many smiles to precious children's faces.

Food Fund:   Our teens pack food for the elderly and those in need. if you know of someone who may benefit. please email us with their name, address and any food allergens the person may have.

You Can Make a Difference in the Life of Another Visit with the homebound, pick up groceries, drive an elderly patient to a doctor's appointment. Bring them your warmth and smile and make their day. Volunteer once a month or more. To get started please call

The Jewish Home

Mezuzot Checking:  A Mezuzah is so much more than a piece of parchment rolled into a scroll. Since the Mezuzah acts as our own personal guardian, it’s important to ensure that it is always in top condition. We will check your Mezuzot at any given time to ensure that they are Kosher.

Kashering:  Keeping Kosher is one of the most fundamental aspects of our religion. Kashering is the process of transforming your kitchen into one that meets all the standards of Kashrut.

Tefillin Inspection: Wrapped around our arms in those square black boxes, it’s easy to forget how holy Tefillin are. Containing the name of Hashem, each time we wrap ourselves in those black straps we are forging a bond with our Creator. Like Mezuzot, Tefillin contain holy parchments that need to be checked from time to time to ensure they are fit for use. Drop your Tefillin off and we’ll check them thoroughly and return them to you.

Jewish Life Cycle

New Baby We delight in the birth of each baby in our community. We want to welcome each newborn with a complimentary "Shalom Baby package" filled with gifts and useful information on raising a Jewish baby. We will facilitate, arrange, assist and familiarize the family with the entire process to make it the experience and the joy it is meant to be. Additionally we can arrange for warm Kosher  meals to be delivered to the home while the mom recovers.

Bar & Bat Mitzvah Celebrations:  We help parents think through the myriad of details that require attention when planning a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. We prepare your child make the occasion a memorable step forward for your son or daughter in living a meaningful Jewish life.  Ages 12 through 120 - We will officiate and create the Bar or Bat Mitzvah you desire and choose, from a simple one with minimal preparation to the whole elaborate affair.   For Children with Special Needs: You will be overjoyed with our approach and sensitivity to the specially geared program just for them.

Weddings:  Mazal Tov! Congratulations on your engagement. We hope your happiness will continue to grow and that you will succeed in laying the foundations for a warm, loving and nurturing Jewish home. Rabbi Chaim Zaklos is available to officiate at your wedding. Should you have any queries; will be pleased to assist.

Funerals:  King Solomon said, "There is a time for all under the heavens - a time to love, a time to journey, a time to plant, a time to reap, a time to rejoice and a time to mourn." We are always there for you especially in times of need to offer comfort, guidance and bereavement support. assistance in preparation and  officiating at the funeral.

Chabad can also arrange  for Shiva services, Yizkor and Kaddish. call us at 646.770.3636 or Email [email protected]